On Suicide

Photo: @CNN The news of Anthony Bourdain's death last week hit me in a strange way.  I became a fan years ago, watching No Reservat…

father's day wish list

With Father's Day only a couple of weeks away, I've been trying to think about what I'm getting the wonderful fathers in my life (my daddy and my husband).  Maybe its just me, but the men in my life are typically really difficult to shop for.  They a have unique or expensive hobbies and usually everything they need for them.  They're not into clothes and are usually not into "things" in general.  They always tell me to get them something "fun." (Thanks for the help dad!).  Last week I posted the delicious looking gift baskets from New York Mouth Gift Basket. Here are a few more fun things that I've found while I've been searching for the perfect gifts.
  1. Whisky Blender Blending Lab - Who do I think I am? I just blended a whisky for you. Respect.
  2. Olympic Provisions Salami of the Month Club -  Seriously, having meat delivered to the door monthly? WINNING.
  3. Bose Sound Blocking Headphones - for the dad who is constantly traveling or needs some peace and quit from the kids
  4. Hand Stitched Leather Football - this is just a thing of beauty especially for the former NCAA football player from Texas in my house.
  5. Whale Bottle Opener - Just so I can yell, "THAR SHE BLOWS!!!!!" every time he opens a beer. He'll love that. Don't you think?
  6. How to be a Man by Glenn O'Brien - Any book that has a chapter on grooming called "Man is a fur bearing mamma" is a must read in my world.
  7. Wood Veneer (Printed Rubber) iPhone Case - Make a phone look masculine and stylish at the same time.
  8. Mr. Porter's Paperback, A Manual for a Stylish Life - Mr. Porter covers the essentials.
  9. Fujifilm X100S 16MP Digital Camera - Because, well its just cool ... and I can "borrow" it.
So what are you getting the father in your life for Father's Day? Any other ideas?


Coll said...

Did you pick any of these for your husband?

Leigh Erin said...

Yes! The football!

Maira Gall