On Suicide

Photo: @CNN The news of Anthony Bourdain's death last week hit me in a strange way.  I became a fan years ago, watching No Reservat…

last minute gift guide: for the business traveler

I grew up with a business traveler and then became one myself for a short period.  If you know a business traveler, you know that the "travel" part of it is all business too.  Traveling for work is sometimes work. Having the right tools is essential.

1. Bose QuietComfort 20i Acoustic Noise Cancelling Headphones - Have you heard that the airlines plan to allow cell phone calls in the air!?  Sure to prevent air rage and arrest.

2. JCrew USB Phone Charger - Because standing in an airport waiting for a plug is just embarrassing in a business suit.

3. AESOP New York Unisex Travel Kit - Gets rid of the "red eye" scent - don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about when I say "scent."

4. Leather Travel Wallet - To keep all your stuff in order, so you don't look like the "pleasure traveler" - you know what I'm talking about. Keep it professional.

5. iPhone 5s - To call home or to mean-tweet Delta - don't leave home without it. Check out Forbes' list of Best Business Travel Apps to upload before you leave.

6. Trakdot Luggage Tracker - Wondering if you'll be washing your underwear in the sink in the hotel at 2AM?  This bad boy will tell you if your luggage made it and if not, whether you need an early morning shopping spree courtesy of the airline who sent your San Francisco bound luggage to Fairbanks, Alaska - true story.

7. Air-O-Swiss Travel Humidifier - Its totally possible that I'm just weird, but I hate getting dried sinuses on a long flight.  It also makes it more likely that you'll get sick. This little humidifier lets you put a bottle of water in it! How awesome is that!?  I also love this one from Homedics that plugs right into the wall.

8. Kindle Fire - For the avid reader - a book, the Times, the Wall Street Journal and more.  I'm also a huge fan of the iPad which comes in so many "generations" now you can get one at many different price points.

1 comment

Audrey @ Putting Me Together said...

Mean-tweet Delta. Been there, done that fasho. And United. Ugh.

Do you actually use the humidifier on the plane? Do your neighbors think you're strange for it?

Maira Gall