On Suicide

Photo: @CNN The news of Anthony Bourdain's death last week hit me in a strange way.  I became a fan years ago, watching No Reservat…

valentines day for boys

I feel like there are a lot of guys out there who don't "believe" in Valentines Day.  Ehem 
I think believers can be made in receivers!  
 Ha, ha. So here is my guide for what to get your boy.
With a little extra CHEDDAH in the comments. Don't worry, the cheese is free.

Sometime tomorrow, I will have a solution for us girls. Not that I think any guys read this blog (okay, maybe one, but that's because he obligated by marital contract).  Its more of a suggestion to give your man.  An easy solution that any woman would love. Curious yet!?
  1. Anchor Tie Clip - Because I think this is cute for spring.
  2. Timex Field Army Watch - A classic everyday watch that will remind him of your time together.
  3. Brooklyn Bushwicks Ball Cap - A little touch of red!
  4. Burroughs Beard Oil - For your burly, rugged, bearded man.
  5. Leather Camera Strap - Stylish while he takes lots of photos of his leading lady.
  6. Heart Tie - I would never actually buy this, but it was cute and I thought we needed hearts here.
  7. Taken T-Shirt from Old Navy - Just in case there was any doubt...
  8. Peary & Henson After Shave - This smells sooooooo good, you deserve a treat!
  9. Field Notes Notebook - with a first page dedication to all of his brilliant ideas
  10. Red Wing Boots - Yes, shoes. Boys like good shoes and women who help them find good shoes.
  11. Coffee Maker - that I was supposed to be buying months ago. Now you know what I chose.
  12. Marli Bottle Opener - Because its just cool. Come on!


stephanie howell said...

i LOVE this and i pinned it in 2 seconds flat. xoxo

Meg said...

Oooh lovin that layout you did. I automatically gravitated towards that tshirt, only I want it with the single box checked.

Also, I do not believe in Valentine's day... even when I was taken. So much so that when my boyfriend drove up four hours to see me on a thursday I thought he was just being a good boyfriend. I didn't realize it was valentine's day until he gave me a gift... and even then I was a bit confused. Errr. or maybe that's because I don't have a romantic bone in my body. haha.

Anonymous said...

i love cheese. especially when it's paired with wine.

Linda said...

I like your Valentine's Day picks! My favorite one is the leather camera strap.

Maira Gall