weekend brunch

Sundays around here involve some "sleeping in" (read: going back to sleep), CBS Sunday Morning, Puppy walking and some time in the kitchen whipping up something for brunch. This past weekend it was crepes, homemade nutella (courtesy of my cousin Kristin), bananas and fresh whipped cream.  

The tulips are just a little sign of spring even as we look toward a storm coming this week.  I noticed the tips of the tulips in the park when I was walking Seamus. Spring is right around the corner. 

I already miss winter.  Winter in the City is magical.  It makes everything quiet.  All the commuters stay home. And then its just you and your neighbors in your neighborhood... all 8 million of them.

1 comment

Audrey @ Putting Me Together said...

You had me at bananas and nutella.

Maira Gall