On Suicide

Photo: @CNN The news of Anthony Bourdain's death last week hit me in a strange way.  I became a fan years ago, watching No Reservat…

Weekend in Review

It was a relaxed weekend.  D was away for work, so I met a good friend for little girls dinner date on Friday.  It was just Seamy and I all weekend, so we did some cleaning, took lots of walks, had lots of play... and then, lots of relaxing.  Look at that little sleepy puppy face! 

This afternoon I made this really good roasted Parmesan chick pea salad for lunch.  It included bacon.  That automatically makes it delicious in my book. :) Recipe here.

Now, we're just waiting for D to come home... 
His flight just landed, so he should be here any minute now! Yay! :)
Hope everyone had a great weekend!

1 comment

Reena said...

Terrific collage of photos!

Maira Gall