On Suicide

Photo: @CNN The news of Anthony Bourdain's death last week hit me in a strange way.  I became a fan years ago, watching No Reservat…

adonis wears camo

Shirt: Zara - Pants: Anthro - Belt: Husbands - Jacket: Old Navy - Flowerpin: emersonmade

I'm not gonna lie.  I have a slight major love for camo.  
I'm not sure when it started.  Some think it started when I met this really cute Army Lieutenant with manners like Prince Charming and muscles like an Adonis.  Sigh....

But NO.
In fact, my love for camo went on hiatius after we got married because suddenly I was washing and starching loads of it every week.  Plus, I looked a little silly wearing green camo pants around post when it was the uniform, but when they went to the new digital camo, the obsession was back.  The collecting continued.

Now, I look into my closet and think I own an unnatural amount of camo for a girl who has neither a job or a hobby that requires me to be in the woods. Then I think - well, if something happens, I'm ready to hide out in the woods... you know, the ones that are miles and miles away from NYC.  

Awesome Leigh. Way to plan.

You know was really is awesome?  This camo jacket that I scored for $15.00 here. ;)


Ashley Sisk said...

Well camo is pretty great. I love those pants.

Jane Squared said...

The ultra-feminine flower is a nice contrast to the edgier jacket and pants. Cute!

Linda said...

Your pants look amazing in this post (almost like a breezy skirt). And I'm pretty sure this is the best outfit post I've seen with camo, ever! Have a great weekend Leigh!

Coll said...

I agree with Linda - maybe best camo I've seen. Awesome! Love those pants too!

Van said...

I really like camo... on other people. The way you've worn it here is very classy! I love the contrast of it with the neutrals in your base outfit. The pants are phenomenal and very feminine.
Van // The Clothes We Wear
Wearing motherhood with style.

Maira Gall