On Suicide

Photo: @CNN The news of Anthony Bourdain's death last week hit me in a strange way.  I became a fan years ago, watching No Reservat…

the break up

dear pleated skirt,
I loved you. I did.
 And then I tried you on. It was tragic.
 Sticking out in the wrong places, fluffy in the wrong way. 
You were a designer tent and I don't like camping.
 We looked like a hot mess together, so we're going our separate ways.
 I'm going to have to move on.
 Your trend is just not going to work for me.
 Don't worry, I still admire you on the thousands of women who can wear you and I will stare... remembering those few moments (more like 15 minutes) of hope we had in the dressing room...before it became obvious that you wouldn't be a part of my life.
We're over.

Beat it skirt.


Sarah said...

Your letter cracks me up. I need to part with a good number of trends this way. (: Hopefully a better piece of clothing finds itself coming your way.

janel said...

I love the pleated skirt look too! That sucks! I'm sorry it didn't work! I have a hard time finding clothes that look good on me so I feel your pain. . . I always want to wear the trendy clothes that look great on super skinny girls without any boobs! What gives?

Leigh Erin said...
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TheDayleigh said...

I know! I love to try trends out, but sometimes they just DO NOT WORK. This was definitely one of them. I've tried several skirts and I know what my problem is, I just don't have the sewing ability to "fix" the skirt. lol! I may keep looking, but in the meantime, these skirts are going the way of the babydoll dress on me --- O-U-T!

Coll said...

I need to break up with a few things myself. This cracked me up!

Marie-Eve said...

That's so funny ! I actually have the same problem with this trend, and I get a little jealous of girls who looks so good in them !

Ashley Sisk said...

Don't you just hate when that happens! And it's such a beautiful skirt!

Reena said...

LOL .... I have had to break up with a number of clothing articles ... sigh

Maira Gall