On Suicide

Photo: @CNN The news of Anthony Bourdain's death last week hit me in a strange way.  I became a fan years ago, watching No Reservat…

oooh oooh pick me!

dress: Zara - Necklace: Jcrew factory - Shoes: Nine West - Dog: Seamus

Remember when we were in elementary school and the teacher would ask a question and everyone would raise their hand?  And you pushed your hand so far to the ceiling that you thought you were going to dislocate your arm?  And your bum lifted ever so slightly off the desk chair to give yourself an extra few inches (if you were short like me)?  And then, if she called someone elses name, you were WRACKED with disappointment?

Yeah, so I just had that experience at work.  I have NO IDEA where it came from.  I even raised my hand.  We don't raise hands here.  It was a weird moment. I immediately left the room and laughed all the way down the hall.  My coworker just came in and we laughed a little more.  I think my boss might stop by later.  To laugh at me.

Are you laughing at me? :)

PS - Its hot here.  Seamus is having a better hair day than I am.


Ashley Sisk said...

LOL how funny - and I'm in love with that dress!

Marie-Eve said...

Goegeous dress ! And funny story !

Cathy said...

Love that dress!!! Total hottness!!!

Cathy said...

Love that dress!!! Total hottness!!!

chiara said...

Love this dress. And yes, it was pretty funny!

Jane Squared said...

haha. I know exactly how you feel since I felt like the teacher never called on me whenever I desperately wanted to contribute, whereas if I was daydreaming the day away, teach always wanted to know my thoughts. :)

Audrey @ Putting Me Together said...

OMG, can I just have all your clothes, please? Thanks.

Coll said...

love that dress and the necklace. Yes please!

Sarah said...

Such a cute print on your dress!

Maira Gall