I have a lot of new dad's in my life. I also have a very special repeat-new-dad, who would love some of these gifts. Already put in my orders for a couple of these awesome gadgets that I know he would have loved the first time around.
1. Thermos Stainless King 16-Ounce Compact Bottle - Keeps milk warm. Keeps milk cold. Keeps mom from losing her mind when you want to leave the house with the baby.
2. The "Baby Assault Pack" - that is how baby carries are known in my house - Bjorn, Ergo Baby, it doesn't really matter which one, but Dad's have to be "hands free" when they're inappropriately drinking at the bar with the new baby.
3. Fuji X100S - Dad's are not going to carry around a giant DSLR so if you want good pics of outings with dad, this slick little number is easy to take with you. I LOVE with this case.
4. Phil & Teds Lobster Portable High Chair - If you don't want to worry about whether your man will actually wipe down the germ infested highchair, roll this baby up and stick it in the stroller.
5. Motorola Wireless Digitial Baby Monitor - Infrared, night vision and remote camera pan. Really... Need I say more?
6. Stuff Every Dad Should Know - From how to hold the baby to how to start saving for college. I also love Rules for my Unborn Son, for those expecting boys - like me - which encourages being a "vigorous dancer."
7. Gap Onesie - that professes love to Dad. I think this works for a little boy or a little girl. Dad's like to know that they are loved too. Mostly because most baby's love mom better... sorry.
8. Sons of Trade Diaper Bag - The ultimate in "manly" diaper bags. Have some respect for your dude, stop asking him to carry the floral diaper bag that looks great with your wardrobe. Comes in two other colors - I love the heathered black and the heathered olive too!

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