moving day

I never thought the day would come.
I never though I would miss something about an Army Move. 
 But last Tuesday, as I was on day TWO of packing my TINY kitchen, the day came.  I said it out loud.  I said, "Wow, I really wish I had an Army packer now."  Yes.  
Even if that meant a person who would pack my bananas in with my fruit bowl (true story) that would not be delivered for two weeks... during the summer... in the heat of the South.  Yes.  I wished a little bit for that smelly solution.  My feet, my back and my mind were exhausted last week.  But, we did it.  We got moved.  We left our one bedroom "box in the Sky" in lower Manhattan.
The 4 of us (yes, I'm including my dog), just simply did not have enough room.

A billboard in Manhattan says it best, "Raising a Baby in a NYC Apartment is like Growing an Oak Tree in a Thimble."   In a one bedroom apartment, it certainly feels like that sometimes.  Now we have a little more space.  I spent at least 3 days cleaning when we first moved in.  We are still cleaning, but getting settled and trying to figure out how to arrange what we have.  Its all a process right? An exhausting one.

By the way.  This is technically move #8 in nearly 9 years!
I saw a lot of moving trucks on the road, anybody else out there recovering from a recent move?


Audrey @ Putting Me Together said...

Where did you move to? I hope you settle in quickly but peacefully!

Meg said...

Congratulations!!! Yay!

Maira Gall