On Suicide

Photo: @CNN The news of Anthony Bourdain's death last week hit me in a strange way.  I became a fan years ago, watching No Reservat…

puppy love

This is my puppy. 
He is three years old ... but he's still a puppy. 
He cuddles when we were snowed in. 
Travels hundreds of miles with us. 
Lays quietly next to us when we're sad. 
Wags his tail and jumps in the air when we're happy. 
Cries when the baby cries. 
Carefully navigates around a new baby. 
Stays up late with us when we have to work late.
Patiently allows the baby to pull his whiskers - responding only with sweet licks.
Sweetly took a backseat after the baby was born.
Waited patiently for mommy & daddy to get their bearings with the baby.
Gives out lots of free "kisses."
Is the sweetest, funniest, most loving dog. 
He provides untold amounts of joy in this house. 

Last week, on Valentine's Day, I got to think about all the people in this world I love 
... AND this puppy that I love.

He's got a HUGE place in this girls heart.


Meg said...

OMG. I would so buy a print of this. He's soooo cute!

Marie-Eve said...

Adorable !
My Blog - A Pretty Nest

CaninesCouture said...

Oh, my. Your pup is ridiculously adorable. I wonder if he'd get along with my Smooshy? ;)


Jules of Canines & Couture

Maira Gall