On Suicide

Photo: @CNN The news of Anthony Bourdain's death last week hit me in a strange way.  I became a fan years ago, watching No Reservat…

life - its a project


Today the story for this life is that its ridiculously cold. Seriously.. 11 degrees just doesn't seem human. I don't know how people who live in Alaska, North Dakota, Minnesota do it. How do you do it!? 

This graphic caught my eye this morning. Particularly because I've been toying with the idea of doing a little Project Life. (Yes, I know its already the middle of January.  I'm a late bloomer. What can I say?)  Anyway, by "little" Project Life, I literally mean that - a small size.  The whole project seems much less overwhelming than trying to haul out all my scrapbooking stuff to put together one page for one single event or moment. 

 I've convinced myself that this is a much less abusive way to play with paper. :) Emphasis on convinced.  We will see. Anybody out there doing Project Life?

1 comment

Meg said...

Here is my list of comments:

1. yikes. 11 degrees is freakin cold. and I've been sad about my 55 degrees.
2. love that print.
3. I'm doing project life!! I'm doing one 12x12 side per week. (not enough happens to me to fill up an entire spread). I have the paper and the pictures and will be putting together three weeks today (hopefully)! I'm also doing "one little word" and that's been awesome!

Maira Gall