the way we get by

I just saw a preview for this documentary.
It made me cry.

It made me cry because these lovely people took a picture of my very tried soldier on his second deployment.  I got to see it online.  I got to see him sleeping before he was getting on a plane for Iraq for a year. I got to see him calm.  It made me calm.  It made me smile.  The little things these people do had a substantial impact on me - they allowed me stop holding my breath....even if only for a moment....

More about it here:


Anonymous said...

I teared up watching this - I have friends in the Army, and most of the men in my family have served as well. So touching!

Will definitely watch the whole documentary!


Melissa said...

Wow this was so moving! Definitely want to watch the whole documentary as well!

Sidenote- I recently followed you on "Go Chic or Go Home" I LOVED all of your 30 for 30 remixes. I just started my own so I am excited to see what I come up with! Keep up the great blogging!


Coll said...

I saw this on veterans day. ITs very moving

Maira Gall