On Suicide

Photo: @CNN The news of Anthony Bourdain's death last week hit me in a strange way.  I became a fan years ago, watching No Reservat…

what's in your carry on?

Summer travel is in full swing!  I'm looking forward to some personal travel myself (plenty of work travel goin' on), so I thought I'd share a little peek.  On an airplane you get 1 carry on and 1 personal bag (i.e. Purse or briefcase).  I try to make sure that my 1 personal bag will fit under the seat in front of me - for easy access.  These are my essentials.

1. Zara Shopper Tote - Something to carry both onto the plane and at my destination.
2. Pashmina - Planes get cold. My pashmina goes around my neck and shoulders.  Airplane blanket goes across legs.  No airplane blankets near my face.
3. Sunglasses - Cover up my jetlag and naked eyes. No makeup on flights over 3 hours.
4. Passport - Don't leave home without it.
5. Moleskin - Jot down things I want to see/do or any ideas floating around my head.
6. Phone - With Skype capability for free overseas calls. Hope I get my iphone soon!
7. Book - I still like the feel of paper.  Currently reading this.  Its great.
8. Boots No. 7 - For mid-flight skin hydration.  Good Housekeeping named it product of the year.  If I could afford it - I would bathe in it.
9. Softlips - for dry lips on the plane.
10. Stila lip gloss - for when I get off the plane.
11. Philisophy Blotting Paper - If my skin miraculously produces oil in the desert that is air travel.
12. Hand Sanitizer - Think for a minute about how many things you touch on a plane.  Now think about who touched them before you.  Any questions?
13. Toothbrush - Self explanatory.
14. Life Savers - For breath and fun in the dark (anybody know what I'm talking about?)
15. Camera - I wish I had a Lieca, I don't, but I do bring my camera.
16. iPad - If I had one. Movies, etc.
17. Bottled Water - the biggest bottle I can find. Fends off jet lag, dry skin, dehydration and, besides, you never know when you're going to be able to flag down a stewardess for a beverage.

What's in your bag?


Audrey @ Putting Me Together said...

Oh man, I feel like I'm always on planes. Carry-on items for domestic flights: wallet (duh), laptop, chapstick, makeup, lotion, gum, phone, camera, journal, cardigan, bottled water, compact mirror, glasses, contact lens case, eyedrops, and sometimes floss.

Come back, Leigh! I'm still waiting for the rest of your 30 for 30. :)

Audrey @ Putting Me Together

TheDayleigh said...

@Audrey - compact mirror! I have to add that. I can't tell you how many times I've wished I had one and I always say I'm going to pick one up and never remember... until I need it again. Good one! (I have floss too, a travel pack...) :)
LOL - I'm back on Friday, I think. My photographer is coming home! :)

Anonymous said...

I envy your Zara totes. Like you I am the lover of pine, love the feel of paper. With the aviator & pashmina, you are a gorgeous traveler.
I've sent you email giving you my email address for the pinterest invitation. Well in case you missed it, I leave one here too. Thanks.


TheDayleigh said...

@adimpleate - GAH! Pinterest has been giving me some pinproblemos in that department. I'll try again. I just sent it! Let me know if it works ok! Enjoy!

Coll said...

Love the list. I also include my bose sound blocking head phones. They're a must for long flights!

Maira Gall