On Suicide

Photo: @CNN The news of Anthony Bourdain's death last week hit me in a strange way.  I became a fan years ago, watching No Reservat…

Bring on the Wool Pants!

Fall 2011 - JCrew

Now that its below 100 degrees out, we should start thinking about wearing wool again, right? Ok, so not really, but everyone is already talking about the fall!  So, I sit here in my air conditioned apartment and dream of the days when its going to be a crisp 55 degrees out and some of these outfits will be possibilities.

1. Colorful Trousers: YES
2. Knee Length Coats with volume: YES
3. Layers: YES
4. Skirts with Volume: YES
5. Bending one Knee in photo: YES ;)

Second Column, Second Photo Down - That coat?
Yeah, that's right up my alley Santa. OK? ok. :)


Coll said...

I'm ready for fall. Agreed - love that coat!

Marie-Eve said...

Fall fashion is so much better than summer fashion ! I'm need those purple trousers ever since I was that picture a couple of months ago !

My Blog - A Pretty Nest

Anonymous said...

Oh you're making me want fall even more! Sadly, in Phoenix it doesn't start to cool down (meaning hitting double digits instead of triple) until late Oct. or early Nov. LAME!

Coll said...

Red dress, fourth over from the top. That's my favorite!

Megan said...

Fall - yes! I'm ready for fall and ready for these clothes. I'm most excited for all the colors and layers. Love.

Meggy from Chasing Davies

Maira Gall