On Suicide

Photo: @CNN The news of Anthony Bourdain's death last week hit me in a strange way.  I became a fan years ago, watching No Reservat…

medusa is in the building

Button Down: Jcrew; Vest: BR; Skirt: Zara; Belt: no idea; Flower: EmersonMade; Watch: MK; Pearl Necklaces: PX; Shoes: Nine West

Sometimes when we're taking these pictures on the roof, my hair blows around like Medusa.  Good photographer that he is, D keeps "shooting" ... and laughing.  He's so helpful.

We both managed to recover from last weeks horrible flu bug.  I am back on solid food.  No applause necessary.  Friday, I started with a shake shack burger and cheese fries.  I will admit, that menu selection was a little ambitious, but I committed.  It was touch and go there for a while, but everything went down and I only had a tummy ache for like 15 minutes in the car. ;)  That could have been because I practically INHALED my burger.

Barring another illness or unexpected trip, I'm bound to finish 30 for 30 in the next 12 days.  I may even include weekends.  It's the final push!  
I have to finish up with these summer clothes before fall gets here!


Coll said...

love that green skirt again! and I love all the pearl strand necklaces. What is PX?

Ana said...

I love this outfit - the mix of colours along with the combination of feminine and more masculine pieces makes it very interesting and beautiful to look at! Oh, and it also reminds me that I have to get myself a pair of nude pumps as lovely as those :)
Have a great week ahead!

Anonymous said...

I am loving this whole outfit. The pink with the green, the awesome vest, and your bright blue watch. Awesomeness achieved :)

Rachel said...

Haha, I love the medusa hair look :) and this is a great outfit - great colors!!

Maira Gall