On Suicide

Photo: @CNN The news of Anthony Bourdain's death last week hit me in a strange way.  I became a fan years ago, watching No Reservat…


I actually had an outfit post for today, but I'm not going to be able to put it up because I have to take this little guy to the vet at Lunch.
I think he may have a toothache or something.
He's a very unhappy little guy at the moment.
I have to see what I can do to make him feel better.
And yes, he looks more like this now, but I always think of him as being a little guy like above.


Ashley Sisk said...

Poor little guy- I hope everything is okay.

Sil said...

He looks so adorable. I hope it is nothing bad.

Mackenzie said...

Aw poor pup! He is a cutie! The color change is incredible!
-M + O&C

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm a new reader. I've always loved the name Leigh. I'm trying to convince my husband that our next baby should be named Leigh so we have a leigh and levi :) I'm guessing you live in the BIG apple! But we live in the little apple, manhattan KANSAS. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm a new reader. I've always loved the name Leigh. I'm trying to convince my husband that our next baby should be named Leigh so we have a leigh and levi :) I'm guessing you live in the BIG apple! But we live in the little apple, manhattan KANSAS. :)

TheDayleigh said...

@Kayla - I love that - the little apple! So clever. I do live in the big apple. The name has served me well. Although, a lot of people pronounce it "Lay" for some reason. I'm not sure how you get there from "leigh," but there it is. :)

@Ashley, Sil, Mack - Blood tests. Doesn't seem like anything too bad, but we'll see. He's still eating. Always a good time.

Coll said...

Hope he's feeling better!

Maira Gall