On Suicide

Photo: @CNN The news of Anthony Bourdain's death last week hit me in a strange way.  I became a fan years ago, watching No Reservat…

Pinterest Obsession

It makes me happy to look at pretty things! So, I am mildly obsessed with Pinterest -- I wasted a bit of time on here during lunch.

And yes, that is Matt Damon in the "Fashionable" Board. I would consider him as an accessory to any outfit when husband is unavailable. :) You would too. Don't lie! :)

The community on here has beautiful taste. My biggest boards are Fashionable and Dream Home.
Let me know if anybody needs an invite and I'll hook you up!

Happy Pinning!... as they say... :)


Good Girl Gone Green said...

I am on Pinterest but haven't really gotten into it....:(

So I say...Living Life to the Fullest said...

I love Pinterest. However, I think I spend too much of my time on there...

Anonymous said...

Discovered you thru Thrifty LA Life and have been lurking at your blog since then. I totally can relate to your style.
I've heard/read about Pinterest, but not able to peruse the trend. Would appreciate if you can hook me up. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Discovered you thru Thrifty LA Life and have been lurking at your blog since then. I totally can relate to your style.
I've heard/read about Pinterest, but not able to peruse the trend. Would appreciate if you can hook me up. Thanks.


TheDayleigh said...

J - Its totally fun, leave me a comment with your email or send it to me: and I'll hook you up!

Cara said...

Hi! I found you through Kendi, and you have such a beautiful blog here! I hope the pup is feeling better today, he's adorable. I love pinterest but I can't use it at work so I'm not on there as much as I would like to be :( Can't wait to see the rest of your outfits!

Cathy said...

LOVE it! Total addict! But it is wonderful!!!! So many ideas!!

Coll said...

Pinterest is awesome, but I am on it waaaay too much. I don't even find that I pin very much, I just like to look.

Maira Gall