On Suicide

Photo: @CNN The news of Anthony Bourdain's death last week hit me in a strange way.  I became a fan years ago, watching No Reservat…

color blocked

This post is brought to you by the color PINK.
This is actually an outfit that I wore to work.  I did not plan to do work outfits in my 30 for 30, simply because my work clothes get plenty of wear.  I twisted two pearl necklaces to make a chunkier necklace and was proud of this fact for most of the day.  Ok ... so I'm still a little proud.

Anybody watch Law & Order?  These are the steps for the courthouse that is always featured on the show.   Its one of the great buildings in NYC and I'd highly recommend a visit if you're ever in the area.  I would also recommend a "dirty-water-dog" from the guy at the stand right outside.  I think he might have the best dogs in the City plus he's been here for decades.

Shh...I had one for breakfast ... with Sauerkraut!


Coll said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE. I'm not really a pink person, but I could be if I owned these pieces, including the shoes. I'd be pretty proud of the pearl necklace too - I'll have to try that!

Anonymous said...

Such a fun outfit for work! I always feel so timid about wearing bright colors to the office. I've started to lately, and been more confident about it :) Way to rock it!

deb duty said...

You look great! I love the color and great accessories too!

Unknown said...

love the pink shades in this outfit

xo Julia

Audrey @ Putting Me Together said...

You look absolutely fabulous!

Audrey @ Putting Me Together

Jane Squared said...

Your DIY twisted pearl necklace is definitely glam!

janel said...

I love this outfit! It's lovely!

Anonymous said...

The fact that you had a hotdog with sauerkraut for breakfast pretty much means that we need to be friends haha. I LOVE that you paired pink with pink. I have been meaning to find a way to do this, but I need more pink in my closet.

Katie said...

Great outfit and love your twisting idea for the necklace!

Snowcatcher said...

You've left me wondering who shot the photos. A very snazzy work outfit for sure. Also cool to work near a place in which the view gets weekly airtime!

Shea Lennon said...

I totally recognize the Law and Order steps--awesome! I love this pink on pink look, and that necklace is awesome! You should be proud of it :)

Maira Gall