On Suicide

Photo: @CNN The news of Anthony Bourdain's death last week hit me in a strange way.  I became a fan years ago, watching No Reservat…

where were you on the night of...

Striped tunic: Zara - Shorts: Jcrew - Sunglasses: Kohls - Shoes: Nine West - Jewelry: F21, BR, B.Johnson

The wind was a little out of control and lighting was a little crazy.
I mean, I look like I'm being interrogated.  
"Where were you on the evening of the 3rd ma'am?"
"Do you spend anytime in the sun, ever, ma'am?"  
"Why are you so pale ma'am?"
The answer to that last question is I have no idea, but I'm looking seriously pale.  Look at those white breadsticks.  I wonder if there's a way to photoshop me a tan.  Anybody?
I need some beach in my life.

So far the hardest thing about the 30 for 30 is actually taking the pictures.
Of course, I say this as I've completed a whopping 3 days, but hey, there it is.
I'll get back to you around day 15 on whether that analysis has changed. ha!


Shandi said...

This outfit is too cute, I love those shoes! As for the photoshop tan, I have no clue but you don't look pale at all!!

Tracy said...

LOVE your shoes! I need a pair like those!

stylecomb said...

I love the stripes! And I have to agree, you don't look pale!!

Anonymous said...

Hi ~ just found your blog through Julie's OAGJ blog and I thought I'd check you out. I'm loving the shorts and those blue shoes are to die for. Great combination :) Love your collection of outfit pictures too (do you take them yourself?)

Anywho, thought I'd say hi :)

janie said...

I want that striped tunic! And the peep toe wedges too!

Audrey @ Putting Me Together said...

Oh man, I've loved all of the first 3 looks so far!

Patty said...

i do love thy wedges and your striped top. tres chic!

aimee said...

Agreed! The picture part is a real pain. I fight with the tripod everyday. By the time I get home from work, I don't feel like taking them anyway. ha. you look fabulous, btw. I love that striped shirt. When I can shop again, I'll be adding some stripes to my arsenal.

Kara @ Unusual Form said...

You look great, but if you want to add some color via Photoshop (I do this on days I am blindingly white) there is a way. Image > Adjustments > Photo Filter > Warming Filter.

TheDayleigh said...

@Kara P - I'm going to give that a try! ;)

Coll said...

Love this look and all your jewelry! Stripes are so in this season, I definitely need to get myself some!

Maira Gall