On Suicide

Photo: @CNN The news of Anthony Bourdain's death last week hit me in a strange way.  I became a fan years ago, watching No Reservat…

thimble island hopping

 Over the weekend I took D on a little morning cruise around the thimble islands.

If you're ever passing through Connecticut, I'd recommend a visit.  People have been building homes on the thimbles since the civil war and while most of the islands have several homes on them, some of the islands are only big enough for one house!
Can you say privacy?? :)


MeaganMusing said...

My husband grew up in Connecticut. It's so beautiful and I love your photos!

Ocean Soul said...

WOW....luuuuuuuv the island pics. That first house is my dream house! Plenty of rooms for all my family to come and visit and enjoy the ocean views! You are soooo blessed to be there! Enjoy all your wonderful ocean moments/days!

Gina Kleinworth said...

That is totally where I want to retire- beautiful seclusion!

Lizzi said...

So beautiful! Another lovely place to dream about!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. When I see places like this, I ask myself (for the millionth time) why the heck I live where I live!

Anonymous said...

WOW! So awesome. Looks like a great place to live.

TheDayleigh said...

@Freckles & Lizzy - I think the same thing!
@Homeschoolmama - I totally think the same thing!

Anonymous said...

ohhh, so beautiful photos!

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