On Suicide

Photo: @CNN The news of Anthony Bourdain's death last week hit me in a strange way.  I became a fan years ago, watching No Reservat…



Ever since I got a digital camera -- my pictures live in my computer. Well... no more! 
I have been looking at and crushing on MyPublisher for a couple years now. 
Yes, years. (I have a talent for procrastination).
I finally decided to do a book to see how it came out.
I put together our vacation photos from our trip to the French and Italian Riviera last year.
and I LOVED the way the book came out.  

Evidently MyPublisher loved it too because they featured it on their facebook page today! Yay!! :)
See the whole Album HERE

Thanks for the love MyPublisher! ;) 


Shandi said...

I'd never heard of MyPublisher before, I may have to look into it for my photos from studying abroad. I've been spending the last two years wanting, but dreading, to scrapbook them!

Audrey @ Putting Me Together said...

Cool! Congratulations, Leigh!

Unknown said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE MyPublisher! Congrats on being featured. I love how easy it is to use and the hardcover books are beautiful! I actually started to take more pictures because of making a book of pictures from the year:)

Your photo book is lovely. What an amazing vacation!


Coll said...

Leigh Congrats! I've always wanted to try mypublisher for vacation photos. I think I might just do it now. Your photos are amazing. I guess Project 365 paid off!

Maira Gall