On Suicide

Photo: @CNN The news of Anthony Bourdain's death last week hit me in a strange way.  I became a fan years ago, watching No Reservat…

haircuts and dog tags

Shirt & Skirt: Zara; Belt: Jcrew; Shoes: Nine West; Bangles: Jcrew; Charm Bracelet: Borrowed from Mom

Seamus and I both got hair cuts this week.  Evidently I was more cooperative during my cut than Seamus was during his.  Meaning, my teeth were not involved in my trim up.  I know my hair stylist appreciates that.  Despite Seamus' limited accessories, we coordinated.  We even both wore monogrammed dog tags...both gifts from D.... hmmmm, there's a disturbing trend.  
I won't worry about it unless D buys me a leash. ;)

I'm also sporting my mom's charm bracelet which I have loved since I found it in her jewelry box when I was little.  My mom started this bracelet before she got married.  Each one of those charms were gifts from her friends, family and my dad.  Each charm represents something about my mom.  When I was younger I loved it because it has my name on it.  
(She got that tag when I was born.  My birthday is engraved on the back.)  
Now, I love it because it says so much about who my mom is. She's a pretty cool lady.


Anonymous said...

oooooh i love the charm bracelet!!!

Audrey @ Putting Me Together said...

The charm bracelet is so cool. Leigh, why are your clothes so amazing? Stop it. Right now. (Actually, please don't.)

Anonymous said...

how special. very cool bracelet!!

Unknown said...

I have this skirt too! I love how you styled it :)

xo Julia

Van said...

Super cute! I love the way you knotted the belt and your mom's charm bracelet is so special.
Van // The Clothes We Wear // Wearing motherhood with style.

Cathy said...

Oh my goodness you are too adorable in that kelly green! Have a great weekend!

Coll said...

Love the charm bracelet. Such a piece! The green skirt is awesome. Love that color!

Carolyn said...

So your charm bracelet is amazing (I'm so jealous! My mom hates jewelry-- she lost her wedding ring within a year of getting married and didn't get another one until my parents' 30-year anniversary), but I think your best accessory today has to be that dog. What a cutie!

Megan said...

Aw, sweet bracelet! I love charm bracelets for that very reason - so meaningful!

Your dog and outfit are adorable!

Meggy from Chasing Davies

Maira Gall