On Suicide

Photo: @CNN The news of Anthony Bourdain's death last week hit me in a strange way.  I became a fan years ago, watching No Reservat…

its a jungle out there

Top: Zara - Buttondown: Jcrew - Vest: BR - Belt: Thrifted - Shorts: Target - Shoes: Zappos - Scarf:: Thrifted 
Bag: Olivia Harris - Sunglasses: Kohls - Bracelet: BR - Necklaces: gift c/o D's last trip to Afghanistan

This vest makes me feel like I need to go on safari outside the urban jungle.  I'm so glad its Thursday.  My weekend officially starts in 26 hours.  Let the countdown begin!

D brought me these beautiful necklaces from his last deployment to Afghanistan and because of that they are very special to me.  So, naturally, that means I NEVER wear them.  How do you like that logic? :)  Seriously though, they are on the thinnest string ever and I'm worried that I'll be flailing my arms around (I do that sometimes) and catch one and the string is going to break and I'm going to be crawling around on the ground rabidly collecting beads.  Really, I should probably just bring them to a jeweler and have them re-strung, but I didn't think of that until I put them on with this outfit.  I'm clever like that.

My big discovery of the day was that I finally found a store in NYC that sells hershey's hugs.  
This seriously made my day.  Maybe even my week.  Happy Day! :)


Unknown said...

I love all the layers in this outfit! And I totally understand your logic, those necklaces are super cute though so hopefully you can get them re-strung so you can wear them more!

Shopping and Spreadsheets

Ashley Sisk said...

Love your outfit - I completely doubt that I'd be able to pull it off. But you look fabulous!

Patty said...

i love all the layers you've got on ;)

aimee said...

Love this! May I just say that I'm so jealous you live in NYC. It's my favorite. I visit often, as I'm not able to convince the hubs that we should move.

Courtney B said...

I love the necklace! It's so pretty! I am the same way though, if I love something too much I'm terrified to let the world see it! I just wouldn't want to lose it, or break it.
Did I mention you're SO pretty? Oh yeah... I did. Ha!

Salazar said...

Loving your layering in this outfit!

14 Shades of Grey

Coll said...

I agree, I love all the layers here. Plus this totally looks like something I could pull out of my own closet.

Marie-Eve said...

I actually have that same vest and I would have never tought of this combo, love it ! I'm inspired !

My Blog - A Pretty Nest

Elizabeth said...

I was so close to putting that vest in my 30x30 too. You look great in it.

Maira Gall