Random post, but I love this picture from brandnetic.com.  I love my birthday, always have, ever since the days of the Sesame Street "Happy Birthday Banner," that my mom put up.  She still has it, and my brother and I insist she put it up whenever we are home to celebrate a birthday.  ...My Dad's 60th Birthday - he had the Sesame Street banner, yes he did...  I digress.  I like to think of a fantasy gift, so this year it was a Vespa.  After spending vacation this summer in Europe, I decided a Vespa was in order.  One for D too, so we can ride them around together in the summer.  

I like the red polka dot one and the CAROLINA BLUE one on the bottom.  Awesome! VESPA!

So after I told D that I wanted a Vespa, he walked me by the Vespa shop down here in NYC.  Evidently, its right around the corner.  Now, I can walk by and visit my Vespa ever week.  VESPA!

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Maira Gall