
Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce you to the most unhealthy sandwich North of the mason-dixon.  The Fried Chicken Sandwich with bacon and pickled ranch dressing on a biscuit.
Yes, please.  We'll take two.  
   A few weeks ago, I was drooling (perhaps literally, but we won't talk about that) over my gorgeous friend Kelly's blog post about Smorgasburg - a weekend food market in Brooklyn.  So on Saturday, I threw on my "eat a big meal dress" and met up with Kelly for some eats and treats.

We topped it off the chicken sandwiches with cool desserts.
Rhubarb snow cone for me and mint-chocolate chip ice cream for Kelly.
Ahhh, I love girlfriends who I can eat with!
Of course, after all the food, I had to take a picture with the great view of the NYC skyline.  
I told Kelly - "Make me look skinny and Tan!"
You know, after I ate a huge fried chicken, bacon, biscuit sandwich...ha!


Christina Klas said...

I love your blog! :) These photos are great. And yes. I do need one of these dresses. :)

Unknown said...

mmm, sounds delicious - I totally want one, or two just for myself!! and I'll have to remember that title - my "eat a big meal dress" ! love that!!

Coll said...

Looks delicious. The first shot is great!

Lizzi said...

Oh I so want one of those sandwiches now! It sounds so much better than the salad I just ate.

Love your photos and the feel of your blog!

Jen said...

It may be the most unhealthy, but it also looks like the most delcious!

Sarah said...

I think I need to have one of those sandwiches with my next glass of milk, er, beverage! Yum!

Teresa said...

Wow! That is quite the sandwich.

Mom Daughter Style said...

great pictures! beautiful view and yummy sandwich.

I saw your blog from wordish wednesday. I followed via GFC and making a quick visit. I hope you can visit my blog too. If you can please enter my low entry giveaways.

From Suns To Moons said...

You are too funny... I usually tell my photographer to make me look tall and skinny.

Self Sagacity said...

Oh yes, I sure do. I have been needing it for so long. Come join the conversations every Thursday and Post your questions on Thursday Two Questions Meme

Maira Gall