last year hurricane sandy

This time, last year, Hurricane Sandy left her mark on the tri-state area.
This time, last year, we had evacuated our home.
We had a five month old baby and a dog. 
This time, last year, our apartment was in the blacked out section above.  
We were on the edge of the "mandatory evacuation" zone, but we left anyway.  
This time, last year, I was glad we evacuated. 
This time, last year, we were safe, but without power.
We spent many hours at night trying to keep my little guys face warm in a house without heat.
This time, last year, we were safe and with loved ones.

The picture above appeared on the cover of the New Yorker magazine.  It still amazes me to this day.

1 comment

meg said...

Hey! have you ever heard of time hop? It's an app that tells you exactly what you were doing on that date years ago (per your social media posts!). You should check it out!

Maira Gall