pinning my dream home

I've been pinning to my dream home board for-ever.  Interiors, exteriors, vignettes.  I've pinned it all.  In hopes, that one day, we would have a home that we could make our own.  By make our own, I mean we could paint the walls, install fixtures and work in a yard without having to worry about how much was going to be taken out of our security deposit.  

Well, we are just days away from our current lease which expiring.  Our awesome one bedroom apartment is not allowing us the room we need to grow, so we must move forward.  We still have no idea where we are going.  Yes.  No lease.  No home.  I may be living in my car, with a toddler.  Or in a tent on my parents front lawn.  We just haven't found the right thing in our budget to buy.  So, we're going to have to rent.  Now, I need to come up with creative ways to decorate, yet another rental.  So it goes.  In the meantime, I'm going to live vicariously through the interiors on Pinterest.

If you are similarly obsessed with interiors (I would need like 5 houses to do all the styles I love), you can follow my board HERE!

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Maira Gall