
 Farewell 2011! HELLO 2012!!

I have to be honest, I was ready to see 2011 go.  Actually, I had my foot on its rear-end pushing it out the door.  With force.  I may have also waved it goodbye ... with one finger ... in my head of course.  ;)

2011 had its ups and downs, like every year.  Unfortunately, for me, this year was more down than up.  I guess everyone has those years, but this one was a first for me.  I did sit around for a while with a revolving pint of Ben & Jerry's, an awesome pair of sweats and mindless Lifetime movies on a loop.  I would say I was a little ashamed, but I'm not.  It's what I needed.  Then, one day, I decided that I was done with that.  

2011 was the year I....

  • Put on weight...(who cares?!)
  • Went to the gym... twice... (Hahahaha!)
  • Got a trainer. Husband. Promptly fired him after two sessions. ("Who wants some ARMY PT?!  NOT ME Buddy!)
  • Found my camera after a 6 month hiatus. (...and got a new one for my Bday! Horray!)
  • Started reading real books again. (The Paris Wife is a must read)
  • Rediscovered why I love being in New York City
  • Forgave.  A lot.
  • Made new girlfriends
  • Traveled only for pleasure! 
  • Was reminded that friends come in many forms.  By "forms" I mean those who are unexpectedly "there for you," even if they don't know that's what they're doing. All the people who left me lovely comments on this blog.  You have no idea what you did for this girl.  It was a lot.  I thank you for that.  Army friends (who I haven't even met in person yet) like Stephanie H. who, with a one line email, reminded me how lucky we are to have such nice people in our lives.  Newer friends who allowed me to be me when I was feeling less like me than any other time in my life like Kelly P.
  • Was also reminded about how lucky I am to have such an AWESOME HUSBAND.  To be honest, I didn't really have to be reminded.  I feel lucky to have him almost every day, for a bunch of meaningful reasons and a bunch of stupid little-ones too.  The one I told him the other day was - He never tells me "no."  No matter how late it is, no matter how ridiculous my idea might be, he's always willing to go along with it and support me.  Its kinda amazing actually. :)
  • FOUND MY CLOSET! Once I turned off Lifetime, I had to find a project to distract myself.  Distract from the seriousness of life and remind myself of the fun little things that I enjoy everyday.  For the second half of 2011, I was reading through some new blogs and saw the idea for 30 for 30.  It was exactly what my closet and I needed.  I rediscovered my closet and my love of skirts.  I also got to follow some other lovely blogers doing 30 for 30 including Linda and Audrey who always had great looks (and even better feedback for me!).  Thanks Ladies!

I have many plans and new projects for 2012. I hope you do too!  If you're starting something new on your blog, please leave me a comment and let me know.

I also made a list of resolutions and D and I worked on the past two nights.  I'll share later this week.  Did you guys make resolutions?

Happy New Year! Best wishes for a Happy and Healthy 2012 full of good tidings and love! xo!


Simply Bubblelicious said...

Happy New Year! 2012 is gonna be your year, I can feel it!

Linda said...

Happy New Year, Leigh! You are one of my favorite new friends that I made during 30x30! xo

Jordan said...

Happy 2012!

Stephanie Howell said...

i just think you are absolutely incredible. and talented, and funny, and beautiful. i feel like we've met, but we haven't...hey, that will change in 2012! i just know this year is going to be better than you ever could have imagined. :) xxo

Audrey @ Putting Me Together said...

Happy new year! I'm sorry to hear how hard 2011 was, and I hope 2012 is one of the best years of your life! I'm so glad I found your blog. I always get excited when you post something and look forward to many more of them!

Maira Gall