
Ok, so the "sweatpants" isn't exactly synonymous with "fashionable," but alas, this word and the photo above seems appropriate today.

I've been working from home and on the road a bunch, so I'm spending most of my non-work hours in sweatpants.  Fortunately, I'm married, otherwise my dating life might be as hopeless as the fashion I'm putting out there. ;)

It's Monday, its a work day and other than the belated birthday wishes, 
I'm not having that much fun.

Junk food is still my friend.  
So is birthday cake!

Can't complain too much about girl drama. Phew!

Guys are confusing. Been supporting a good friend going through a heart breaker of a breakup. Hated those. The only thing I can say is that he wasn't "the one," which means "the one" is still out there, patiently waiting for you to arrive so he can love you like you deserve.

Goodbyes are so hard, but particularly hard for those who have to say them to their deploying soldiers during the upcoming holiday season.  I hope "tomorrow" comes to those families quickly and safely.

So how bout it?  Anybody with me on SWEATPANTS being the most comfortable, practical and hideously unfashionable things out there? 
I'm still wearing mine. 
Don't judge me.


Audrey @ Putting Me Together said...

Today I definitely thought multiple times, "Can't I just stay in my sweatpants?"

Anonymous said...

It is a gloomy dark and rainy day today. I definitely stuck to my version of sweat pants...leggings!

I love this quote so so much, I had it as my status for the longest time. So incredibly true.


Linda said...

Like Katya, I view leggings as sweatpants! If I'm really cold, I will borrow a pair of "real" sweatpants from M. But I refuse to wear sweatpants with the elastic bands at the legs. Those are reserved for my elementary school memories. :o)

Coll said...

Girl, I'm in sweats or leggings every night when I get home from work! Can't wait to get all comfy! :)

Van @ The Clothes We Wear said...

Oh dear. I love this post. I don't own sweatpants, but do wear leggings that I reserve for house only. And have been known to put a coat and boots or something more presentable over them to run to the store for milk. Yup. I'm a mom and work from home. Lady, I don't judge. Been there. Done that.

Maira Gall