fall and flannel

via pinterest
I have a confession...
I was SO ready for Summer to be OVER.
I'm ready for fall with its changing leaves, apple picking, pumpkin carving and halloween.
I'm also ready for comfy fall clothes: 
boots, flannel shirts, furry vests, woolen coats, knit hats and long soft scarves.

via pinterest
Did I mention the flannel? ;)


Audrey @ Putting Me Together said...

Guuuurl, tell me about it. It rained last week and I got excited, only for my fall excitement to be deflated this week by 80 degree weather.

Unknown said...

Oh, fall is my favorite just as spring is my favorite after a long winter. I wish the weather would make up it's mind here.


Leigh Erin said...

I know! Its been 80s up here in NYC too, but I hear its supposed to cool off over the weekend. Just in time for me to collect my fall wardrobe from storage! :)

Ashley Sisk said...

After seeing this post the other day, I went on a mission for a flannel shirt. Still need to purchase.

EverydayMomStyle said...

I'm really struggling with how to wear my flannel without looking like a lumberjack!

What do you suggest?

Coll said...

I would like to hear about the flannel non-lumberjack look as well! :)

Maira Gall