college colors day

Tomorrow is College Colors Day.
What does that mean?
Are you ready? Here it is.
Step 1: Wear Apparel Representing your Favorite College on Friday, September 2, 2011.
That’s it. It’s that easy! 
Throw on your favorite college gear, and be a part of one of the most spirited days in America.

These shirts are from Old Navy!  How cute are they?! Now, I went to none of the colleges above - they don't actually have one for my college.  Booo.  But I do have special allegiance to Texas A&M, as my daddy is an Aggie.  Gig 'em!


Cathy said...

I am making an attempt to like football yet again this year per my hubs request. Someone help me!

kelly said...

i need that MSU one! eeek!

Coll said...

OOh I wonder if they have one for Nova. Those are pretty cute! I'm with Cathy on the football thing.

Unknown said...

YESSS STATE! I always love when major labels carry college apparel! I am going to hunt this shirt down!

EverydayMomStyle said...

So excited to see your Jayhawk shirt! I'll have to run to Old Navy to get one, it's adorable! I've been looking over your past outfits and you have great style! Can't wait to see what else you do...

EverydayMomStyle said...

By the way, I tweeted about your post and added a link! Hope it gets lots of traffic. Are you on twitter? I'd love to follow you!

Tasia |Ruffles and Sequins| said...

OMG love this! I don't know how I'd be able to choose tho - my undergrad or graduate university! Decisions. Decisions!


TheDayleigh said...

@Everydaymom - I am not on twitter (yet). I hope to be in the next few days though. I think I'm going to finally make the leap! :)

Maira Gall